
【電子資源】【IEL(IEEE Electronic Library)】資料庫將於9/17(六)21-24時及9/18(日)21-23時暫停使用 IEL(IEEE Electronic Library) will be unavailable On Sep. 17 21:00-24:00 and Sep. 18 21:00-23:00.

IEL(IEEE Electronic Library)」資料庫為進行系統維護,將於2022/9/17()21-24時及9/18()21-23時暫停使用,造成不便敬請見諒!



Due to the maintenance of the host computer, the IEL(IEEE Electronic Library) will be unavailable On Sep. 17 21:00-24:00 and Sep. 18 21:00-23:00.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Readers Services Division