
【展覽/活動】二手書交流活動即日起展開~Used Book Exchange Activities



1. 供書期間:即日起至114224日。

(1)    學期中(即日起至11415日;114215日至224日:週一至週五9:00-22:00、週六日10:00-19:00

(2)    寒假期間(11416日至214):週一至週五9:00-16:00

2. 取書期間:第一階段(持有點數者)11433日至37日期間、第二階段(無點數者)114310日至314日期間,週一至週五9:00-18:00


1. 有版權之正版圖書。

2. 恕不接收:雜誌、影音資料、宣傳性及宗教助印出版品、高中()以下之參考書及教科書、出版5()以上之電腦書及語文學習類。



1. 供書:請送至圖書館一樓櫃檯,經館方確認符合交換圖書範疇後,登錄並email通知讀者可換書點數(詳第2點說明)。該點數可延續兩次圖書館二手書交流活動使用(共可使用於三次二手書活動),活動結束後將由館方紀錄剩餘點數並email通知讀者。

2. 點數計算:一本書冊核計1點。為鼓勵教科書交換,課程使用之教科書(請告知授課年度、科系及課程名稱),依出版年份加計核發點數如下:

(1)    出版5()內【2020()後】,中文每本核計3點、西文每本核計7點。

(2)    出版6-10()內【2015-2019年】,中文每本核計2點、西文每本核計5點。

(3)    出版超過10年【2015年前出版】,中文每本核計1點、西文每本核計2點。

3. 換書清單:將於114227()於圖書館網頁公告換書清單。

4. 取書:

(1)     持有點數之讀者(含沿用前次點數),請於第一階段換書期間,持本人證件至圖書館一樓櫃檯換取等值點數之書冊。第一階段取書以供書點數為上限,恕不接受預約及保留。換書首三日(11433日至5),每名讀者每日至多兌換5冊圖書。

(2)     未持有點數之讀者,請於第二階段換書期間,至圖書館一樓櫃檯選取書冊。


1. 獎項:

(1)    供書15()以上者,可參加500元商品卡抽獎,共3名。

(2)    供書5()14點者,可參加300元商品卡抽獎,共5名。

(3)    供書4()以下者,可參加100元商品卡抽獎,共5名。

2. 公告時間:114320()中午12:10

3. 抽獎方式:採用線上抽獎程式,並於圖書館粉絲專頁直播抽獎過程。




【行政服務】圖書館陪您一起閱讀FUN寒假! The library accompanies you for a fun reading winter vacation.

放寒假了~閱讀與學習的樂趣無須暫停喔!圖書館提供豐富多元的中外文電子書資源,涵蓋學術研究、科普知識、資訊科技、商業理財、人文社會、文學欣賞、心理勵志、語言學習、休閒閱讀等多元主題,不受時空與媒材限制,透過網路滿足您不同的主題需求與樂趣,並可選擇下載APP以離線閱讀。誠摯地邀請各位探索圖書館的電子書資源,一起閱讀FUN寒假! 中文電子書平台簡介如附件或請瀏覽圖書館官網完整介紹。







Winter vacation has arrived! The joy of reading and learning doesn’t have to take a break. The library offers a rich and diverse collection of Chinese and foreign-language e-books, covering a wide range of topics such as academic research, popular science, information technology, business and finance, humanities and social sciences, literature appreciation, psychology and inspiration, language learning, leisure reading, and more. With no restrictions on time, place, or format, you can access these resources online to meet your various needs and interests. Additionally, you can download the app for offline reading. We sincerely invite you to explore the library's e-book resources and enjoy a FUN reading experience this winter vacation! For an introduction to the Chinese e-book platform, please see the attachment or visit the library's website for a complete overview.

Furthermore, to encourage students to continue enjoying the pleasures of reading during the winter vacation, the library is offering an extended loan period for printed books for undergraduate students. General books (excluding audiovisual materials and books are cataloged as new Chinese publications.) borrowed starting December 25, 2024, will have their return dates extended to the first day of the next semester (February 17, 2025). Don’t miss out on this fantastic service!


1.The due dates for books borrowed before December 25,will not be changed. If the due date falls during the winter vacation, please return the books by the original due date or apply for a renewal, as the library will not automatically extend the borrowing period. Readers can log in to the library’s website (https://reurl.cc/G55nrd) to access their personal borrowing records and check their borrowing history and due dates.

2.Readers who cannot come and pick up their reserved books must log into Personal Record from the library official website (https://reurl.cc/G55nrd) to cancel the reservation, or phone the circulation desk (03-2118800 ext. 5240) to cancel reserved items. Those who fail to do so may risk having their reservation privilege suspended.

For more details, please contact Reader Services librarian at Ext:5240 or email cgucir@mail.cgu.edu.tw


【行政服務】圖書館2025年補助使用館際合作措施 The 2025 Interlibrary Cooperation Subsidy Measures


1.        補助對象:編制內專任教師及博碩士研究生。

2.        補助期間:2025.1.1-2025.12.31(至個人補助金額上限或總預算用罄為止)

3.        補助金額上限:編制內專任教師為500/位;研究生為230/位。

4.        已取得校外研究計畫補助師生,請優先由研究計畫相關費用項目支應。

5.        逾個人補助金額上限或總預算用罄後,依例行收費方式辦理。


To fulfill the needs of interlibrary loan and document delivery for faculty and students, the CGU library continues participating in the international interlibrary cooperation system RapidILL and subsidizes users to obtain documents through the National Document Delivery Service System (NDDS). The application should be made through the CGU library. The pertinent details are as follows:

1.Subsidy recipients: Full-time teachers and graduate students.

2.Subsidy period: 2025.1.1-2025.12.31 (or until the individual subsidy amount limits are reached, or the total budget is exhausted).

3.Subsidy amount limits: Full-time teachers within the establishment are NT$500 per person; graduate students are NT$230 per person.

4.Teachers and students who have received external research project subsidies are encouraged to prioritize relevant cost items within the research project.

5.Once the individual subsidy amount limit is surpassed or the total budget is exhausted, the routine fee collection method should prevail.

If you have any questions, please contact the Reference Service Librarian (extension 5622).

【電子資源】「Turnitin文稿原創性比對」系統維護,將於2025/1/19(日)00:00至04:00暫停使用。Turnitin will have a scheduled system maintenance from 00:00 to 04:00 on January 19, 2025.

「Turnitin文稿原創性比對系統」為進行系統維護,將於2025/1/19(日) 00:00至04:00暫停使用,造成不便敬請見諒!

Turnitin will be unavailable from 00:00 to 04:00 on January 19, 2025 due to the system maintenance.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused!

讀者服務組 敬啟







觀賞醫師短影音 https://tinyurl.com/2auhp5z3




【電子資源】The New York Times《紐約時報》全國學術版,開放使用至2025/12/31,歡迎多加利用。


1. The New York Times《紐約時報》是由廣大專業的紐約時報編輯群所編著,已不是傳統印象中的挖掘、報導新聞,而是為大眾發掘、引導出許多具有探討性的新聞內容及生活資訊,透過有價值的新聞內容延伸出來許多的特色資源,更可供教師作為教案參考及學生自我學習資源。

2. 由CONCERT聯盟購置全國學術版,提供國內學術機構免費使用。




1. 請先登入註冊網址註冊。

2. 以學校 email註冊及自設密碼進行申請個人免費帳號。

3. 完成申請後即可前往The New York Times《紐約時報》使用。



讀者服務組 敬啟



諾貝爾獎(Nobel Prize)於西元1901年創立,每年頒發物理、化學、生理學或醫學、文學、和平等五個獎項;此外,由瑞典中央銀行於1968年設立的瑞典銀行紀念諾貝爾經濟科學獎,則通稱為「諾貝爾經濟學獎」。


