
【行政服務】2024年8月4日(日)配合校園電力設備定期維護保養作業,圖書館(含B1閱覽中心及置物櫃使用)閉館1日。 The library (including the B1 Study Area) will be closed on August 4th (Sunday) due to the regular maintenance of electrical equipment in the campus.


【課程】暑期線上講座:數位物件識別碼(DOI)服務介紹、Scite與Writefull研究工具新利器、Web of Science打造個人研究影響力的學術履歷等三場,歡迎踴躍參加!

圖書館為支援教學與研究,鼓勵善用資源,辦理三場線上學術講座:(1) 數位物件識別碼(DOI)服務介紹、(2) 研究工具新利器:Scite與Writefull、(3) 從數據到影響:Web of Science打造個人研究影響力的學術履歷,歡迎踴躍報名參加!


(1)時間:8/6(週二) 10:00-11:00  

(2)講者:華藝數位學術發展部經理 陳采琪女士





(1)時間:8/13(週二) 10:00-11:30  

(2)講者:智泉國際講師 徐惠玲女士




(三)講座三:從數據到影響:Web of Science打造個人研究影響力的學術履歷

(1)時間:8/20(週二) 10:00-11:00  

(2)講者:碩睿資訊資深講師 林庚賢先生

(3)簡介:Web of Science為全球引文資料庫,收錄了全球最高水準的權威學術期刊、書籍和會議,內容涵蓋自然科學、工程技術、生物醫學、社會科學、藝術與人文等領域,並且具有強大的引文索引功能和學術影響力評價功能。此次將介紹Web of Science平台,鼓勵教師註冊帳號,並認領自己的學術著作。資料庫詳細說明及講座綱要請見圖書館部落格。









To support teaching and research, the library will host three online academic lectures to encourage the effective use of resources: (1) Introduction to Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Services, (2) New Research Tools: Scite and Writefull, (3) From Data to Impact: Using Web of Science to craft an Academic CV. Welcome to participate and register online!

1.Lecture 1: Introduction to Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Services

(1)Date: August 6 (Tuesday) 10:00-11:00 AM 

(2)Speaker: Ms. Casilda Chen, Manager of Academic Development at Airiti

(3)Lecture Introduction: 

●Introduction to DOI

●Applications of DOI in General Academic Publications

●Future Development of DOI and Smart Academic Work 

For detailed information and lecture outline, please visit the library blog.

(4)Teams Meeting Link : https://reurl.cc/VzkeDA

(5)Duration: 1 credit-hour

2.Lecture 2: New Research Tools: Scite and Writefull 

(1)Date: August 13 (Tuesday) 10:00-11:30 AM

(2)Speaker: Ms. Iris Hsu, Lecturer at iGroup Taiwan 

(3)Lecture Introduction: Scite utilizes AI technology to analyze academic literature, categorizing citation relationships and properties to save time in literature exploration, offering precise citation analysis reports. Writefull not only checks spelling, grammar, and punctuation in manuscripts but also provides optimal suggestions and reminders for precise writing in academic papers. Trial period from 2024/08/13 to 2024/09/13. For detailed information and lecture outline, please visit the library blog. 

(4)Teams Meeting Link : https://reurl.cc/kODvLK 

(5)Duration: 1.5 credit-hour

3.Lecture 3: From Data to Impact: Using Web of Science to craft an Academic CV

(1)Date: August 20 (Tuesday) 10:00-11:00 AM

(2)Speaker: Mr. Max Lin, Product Specialist at Shou Ray

(3)Lecture Introduction: 

●Data Center for Academic Research in Web of Science

●Optimal Platform for Demonstrating Academic Impact

●Taking the First Step in Managing Your Literature 

For detailed information and lecture outline, please visit the library blog.

(4)Teams Meeting Link: https://reurl.cc/mMEXZl

(5)Duration: 1 credit-hour

Registration and Participation:

1.Registration Method: Log in iCGU → Campus Activities / Library Summer Online Lecture Sessions

2.Participation in each session qualifies for enhancing credit-hour toward Teaching Quality Enhancement Program.

3.Please use your Office365 school account and log into the Teams Meeting before the lecture starts.

4.There is no need to sign in or out for each session; participation and departure times will be based on system log-ins and log-outs. Participants who join the meeting more than 5 minutes after the start time (as per system records) or leave less than 5 minutes before the end time will not qualify for credit-hours.

5.Contact Information: Reader Services librarian. Email: libdb@mail.cgu.edu.tw; Ext: 5622


【健康專書】「職場健康促進」:拒絕久坐危機 動一動護健康











【行政服務】112學年第2學期研究生電子論文繳交說明 Instructions for Submission of Postgraduate Electronic Thesis or Dissertation in the Second Semester of Academic Year 112


一、   依據教務處公告112學年第2學期畢業離校截止日為:113815日(四)下午17時止,因圖書館審核電子論文需要三個工作天(不含例假日),請於812日(一)前至<長庚大學博碩士論文系統>完成電子論文上傳,請盡早繳交以免影響離校。


二、   請先完成電子論文查核,再辦理紙本論文繳交。

讀者服務組 敬啟


1.     According to the announcement of the Academic Affairs Office, the deadline for graduation and leaving school is 17:00 on August 15, 2024 (Thursday). Please upload the electronic thesis or dissertation to the Chang Gung University Thesis/Dissertation System before August 12.

2.     Please complete the electronic thesis/dissertation check first, and then submit two hard(binded) copy of your thesis/dissertation to the library.

Reader Services Division


【行政服務】113學年度第1學期課程指定用書調查作業Course reserves and references survey for the coming semester





1.    本館已有館藏:請利用本館館藏查詢系統(網址  https://web20.lib.cgu.edu.tw/webpac/ ),於線上進行課程用書指定。設定方式請詳參【教師指定用書三步曲

2.    本館尚無館藏:若於本館館藏查詢系統查無該書籍,則請填寫教師指定用書資料調查表課程指定用書清單 Reserved Book List.doc】,並以email回覆或擲回紙本至圖書館。或透過線上表單(網址 https://reurl.cc/K4pbLe )提供相關資訊。圖書館將協助儘快採購,並設定為課程指定用書館藏,提供師生使用。*如欲選用Wiley 數位教科書,請洽館員。

三、圖書採購需要一定程序,請教師協助儘早提出,俾便圖書館於課程開始前,備妥指定用書,配合課程利用。如有任何課程指定用書相關問題,請聯絡服務館員(分機5976),或emaillibmedia@mail.cgu.edu.tw ,本館將竭誠為您服務。


 聯絡人:蔡宙樺  分機5976

To respect and protect intellectual property and assist students in using legally copyrighted textbooks, the library’s "Course Reserved Textbook Service" collects textbooks designated by teachers for their courses. Students can use the library catalog system to search for textbooks by title, instructor, or course name. Electronic textbooks can be accessed directly within the campus network through the library catalog system. Physical textbooks are available for borrowing in a dedicated area on the first floor (borrowing period is 2 days). An additional copy of Chinese-language textbook is purchased and managed under general library collections. 

The instructions for this survey are as follows:

If there are any adjustments (deletions or additions) to the designated textbooks for this semester, please follow the methods below and submit by August 7th, 2024, to facilitate the library’s processing:

1.       For textbooks already in the library's collection: Please use the library catalog system (URL: https://web20.lib.cgu.edu.tw/webpac/) to designate your course textbooks online. Refer to "Attachment 1" for detailed instructions on setting up the course textbooks in three steps.

2.       For textbooks not yet in the library's collection: If the book is not found in the library catalog system, please fill out the survey form(課程指定用書清單 Reserved Book List.doc) as in "Attachment 2", and return it via email or in hard copy to the library. Alternatively, please provide relevant information through the online form (URL: https://reurl.cc/K4pbLe). The library will assist in acquiring the book as soon as possible, and set it up as part of the course reserved textbooks collection for faculty and student use. *For selection of Wiley digital textbooks, please contact the librarian.

Since there’re due procedures for book acquisition, please submit your requests as early as possible, so that the designated textbooks could be ready before the courses start. For any questions regarding the Course Reserved Textbook Service, please contact service librarians at extension 5976 or email libmedia@mail.cgu.edu.tw The library commits to serving you wholeheartedly. 

Let the library become a great partner for teaching and research for the faculty, as well as a learning resource for the students. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.


【線上課程】卓越的同儕評審: 如何成為有效的審閱者線上講座(英文),歡迎踴躍參加。Excellence in Peer Review: How to be an effective Peer Reviewer webinar, welcome to participate and register online.

 一、辦理單位OrganizerTaylor & Francis

二、課程日期Date2024/7/17 () 16:30-18:00


l  Sandhya Gopi, Team Lead – Content Review, Taylor & Francis

l  Priya Dixit, Senior Team Lead, Taylor & Francis


Whether an article can be accepted or not depends on the opinions of the reviewers. However, even experienced reviewers may not always be clear on what to focus on during the peer review process. So, we hope that you can participate in this training, regardless of whether you are the author or the reviewer.

Here, we have summarized the opinions of various experts to help you sort out various aspects that need to be understood during the peer review process. Including:

l  An overview of the different types of peer review.

l  The responsibilities of a peer reviewer.

l  What are the reviewers focusing on in peer review.

l  Ethical concerns in peer review.




【行政服務】圖書館113學年度開放時間及節慶休館日 Library Opening Hours and Holiday Closures for the 113th Academic Year.



【電子資源】2024年發布的Journal Citation Reports 2023年數據已經上線,歡迎多加利用!The 2024 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) provides 2023 data is now available online.

2024 JCR重點摘要:

1.更完善的Journal Citation Reports,為使用者提供了更便捷、更全面的使用體驗。並將ESCI中的期刊納入根據學科類別統一排名的範圍。

2.涵蓋21,800多種期刊,包括約5,800種開放取用 (Open Access)期刊。

3.來自113個國家的254個學科領域的學術期刊獲得認可並獲得Journal Impact FactorJIF),其中包括14,090 種自然科學領域期刊、7,321種社會科學領域期刊和3,304種藝術與人文領域期刊。

4.544種期刊首次獲得Journal Impact FactorJIF)。

今年度Journal Citation Reports (JCR)於學科類別與排名有進行重大變更,詳細資訊請參閱科睿唯安部落格文章,並參加線上說明會進一步了解。

l   Clarivate Global(英文演講)2024/06/25 10:00 AM EDT(台北時間 11:00 PM


l   Clarivate Taiwan(中文演講)2024/7/5日(五) 台北下午 02:00 -03:00



讀者服務組 敬啟

Highlights of 2024 JCR:

1.Enhanced Journal Citation Reports provide users with a more convenient and comprehensive experience, including journals from ESCI in unified subject category rankings.

2.Covers over 21,800 journals, including approximately 5,800 open access journals.

3.Journals from 254 academic disciplines across 113 countries have been recognized with Journal Impact Factors (JIF), comprising 14,090 journals in the natural sciences, 7,321 in the social sciences, and 3,304 in arts and humanities.

4.544 journals received their first Journal Impact Factor (JIF).

Significant changes have been made to discipline categories and rankings in this year's Journal Citation Reports (JCR). For detailed information, please refer to the Clarivate Analytics blog and participate in the upcoming webinars for further insights:

Clarivate Global (English session): June 25, 2024, 10:00 AM EDT (Taipei Time: 11:00 PM)

Registration link: https://reurl.cc/5vLe56

Clarivate Taiwan (Chinese session): July 5,2024, Taipei 02:00 -03:00PM

Registration link: https://reurl.cc/p309bx.

For inquiries, please contact the Reader Services Division of the library at extension 5622 or via email at libdb@mail.cgu.edu.tw.

Reader Services Division


【電子資源】<試用>【airiti Library華藝線上圖書館】全新服務─研究結果分析模組,開放至2024/7/31,歡迎多加利用。



讀者服務組 敬啟