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歡迎參考線上簡介 (https://reurl.cc/xGROK5) 及使用手冊(https://reurl.cc/O0OpRg)並踴躍試用!
Digital textbooks allow multiple functions than merely marking on a PDF. Come and try using the modern learning tool~
1. More than 19,000 titles.
2. Selection of commonly adopted textbooks & reference books worldwide.
3. Covering 30 disciplines: Business & Economics, Science, Technology & Engineering, Medical, Computer, Social Science, Education, Mathematics, Psychology, Political Science, Philosophy, History and so on, which further divided into more than 100 subjects
二、Trial Period : Current till 2021/10/20
三、Trial URL: https://wileysgp-ipublishcentral-net.proxy.lib.cgu.edu.tw:2443/
四、How to use:
1. Register firstly on campus (IP) and act on the email notification.
2. Effective account can be used on or off-campus.
3. Each account allows 3 volumes for 7 days
Please refer to the Introduction (https://reurl.cc/qgENr3) for more information. Enjoy the trial!
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