
【行政服務】圖書館新版「博碩士論文系統」正式啟用,歡迎全校師生多加利用! The new version of CGU Theses & Dissertations System has been launched.



1.         網頁採用RWD響應式網頁,頁面呈現大小可符合各類設備/載具。

2.         論文上傳種類新增替代論文(專業實務報告、技術報告)欄位。

3.         論文電子檔浮水印改於審核通過後由系統自動加入。





The new version of CGU Thesis & Dissertation System has been launched. New functions are as follows:


1.         The website adopts Responsive Web Design(RWD) and adapts to various devices.

2.         Added the “Professional Practice Report” andTechnical Report” for thesis types.

3.         The CGU watermark in the digital document will be added automatically by the system after the review is passed. 

For thesis upload steps and rules, please refer to the upload notice.


Readers Services Division