一、 為避免影響投稿期刊決策,本校已退出MDPI出版社之IOAP (Institutional Open Access Program )計畫,不再享有投稿文件處理費(APC)折扣優惠,即日起生效。已投稿該出版社期刊審理中之稿件不受影響。造成不便,敬請見諒!
二、 研究者發表成果前,請審慎查證與了解欲投稿期刊及出版單位信譽。投稿期刊之檢視評估請參閱圖書館部落格:【電子資源】學術投稿停看聽。
To avoid unnecessary intervention in journal submission, CGU has withdrawn from the IOAP (Institutional Open Access Program) program of MDPI and Article Processing Charge (APC) discount is no longer valid, effective immediately. Submitted manuscripts currently under processing will not be affected. We apologize for the possible inconveniences induced.
Please be advised in cautiously examining the credibility of the targeted journal and publishing institutes before submitting manuscripts for publication. Researchers are welcome to refer to the library's blog: 【Stop and Check for Academic Publications [Electronic Resources]】or call reference desk for services.
Best wishes for academic researches and publications!
Readers Services Division, CGU library