
【線上課程】6/19 臺灣在新冠病毒疫苗開發上的進展線上論壇

國家衛生研究院針對 COVID-19 疫苗與藥物的快速開發策略:從準備到動物研究
Expeditious development of vaccine and drug strategies against COVID-19 at National Health Research Institutes: From preparedness to animal-based studies

司徒惠康博士 國家衛生研究院副院長
Huey-Kang Sytwu, Ph.D.
Vice President, National Health Research Institutes

去年底新型冠狀病毒疫情爆發時,國家衛生研究院根據先前應對 SARS 的經驗,非常迅速地制定了針對 COVID-19 的疫苗和藥物策略。 這次演講主要分享我們在一月份迅速建立了四種疫苗開發方法,包括刺突蛋白的合成胜肽,DNA 疫苗,重組腺病毒和次單位疫苗。 從用這些疫苗免疫的小鼠收集的抗體可以顯著抑制被 CoV-2 感染的 vero 細胞的細胞病變作用。 我們的 ABSL-3 實驗室正在進行基於倉鼠和 hACE2(基因嵌入和轉基因)小鼠的攻擊試驗。 人工智能(AI)技術也用於識別具有治療 COVID-19 潛力的市售藥物。
When the novel coronavirus outbreak occurred late last year, Taiwan ‘s National Health Research Institutes took very rapid reaction to develop both a vaccine and drug treatment strategies against COVID-19, using their previous experience with SARS.  This seminar will share their experiences on vaccine development.  They quickly established four approaches of vaccine development in January, including synthetic peptides of spike, DNA vaccine, recombinant adenovirus and subunit vaccine. Antibodies collected from mice immunized with those vaccines can significantly suppress the cytopathic effect of vero cells infected with CoV-2. The hamster- and hACE2 (knockin and transgenic) mouse-based challenge tests are undergoing in our ABSL-3 laboratory. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is also applied to identify the marketed drugs with potential for treating COVID-19.
10:30 |
COVID-19 vaccine development and disease detection using Baculovirus as a tool

趙裕展博士  中央研究院分子生物研究所 研究員
Dr. Yu-Chan Chao
Research Fellow, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica

This presentation will discuss the application of baculovirus protein engineering in the development of effective coronavirus vaccines. Scientists often use the outermost protein of the virus as an antigen to stimulate the production of corresponding antibodies, so that the immune system "remembers" the virus and can identify, neutralize and eliminate the same virus in the future; for example, the coronavirus surface spike protein can be used as a subunit vaccine without the need of entire pathogenic virus. Baculovirus is an insect-specific virus, therefore, safe for the scientists to conduct experiments, for the company to process products, and for the general public to use its products. These subunit antigens can be further engineered for better stability to improve vaccine shelf life. The baculovirus has not been adapted as a pathogen to vertebrates, therefore, it is able to evoke robust innate immune responses. By taking this unique feature, it can also display antigens of pathogenic viruses harmful to humans and animals as effective carrier vaccines. Experimental results have shown that these baculovirus-based carrier vaccines have good protective effects on influenza and coronavirus. Baculovirus can also produce viral antigens for the detection of patient sera.
11:00 |  
共同解決新冠病毒所帶來的不確定性在大流行期間 Cell Press 如何與研究社群合作
COVID-19, Navigating Uncertainties Together – how Cell Press works with research communities during pandemic

蔡妙智博士 Cell 資深編輯
Dr. Miao Chih Tsai
Sr. Editor, Cell

您想知道 Cell Press 出版社如何和學術界合作以因應冠狀病毒大流行造成的社會危機嗎?一起和蔡妙智,細胞期刊資深編輯,來討論他們如何和學術研究人員共同尋找解決方案,加速文章發表過程,以及改變創新編輯流程。
Do you want to know how Cell Press work with research communities during pandemic? Join Miao-Chih Tsai, senior scientific editor at Cell, Cell Press to discuss how they work with authors to find solutions for research communities and beyond. She will share editorial process, details about making efficient workflows and better practices that could be re-deployed when the urgent scientific question arises.
