
【行政服務】108學年度大學部畢業生離校作業說明. Graduation procedures for undergraduate students.

一、  108學年度大學部畢業生迄614()止,已還清圖書館館藏,亦無違規事項者,免到館辦理離校手續。未符合前述情況者,請盡速歸還館藏,處理違規事項後,到館辦理離校手續。
二、  畢業生因故未辦理離校手續,且有持續借閱館藏需求者,請於612()前完成申請單(附件),遞交至圖書館一樓櫃台。圖書館審查完畢,將參照事由,延長申請者使用本館權益。
三、  圖書館訂有校友借閱館藏辦法,請向秘書室辦理校友證,再到館辦理相關手續。
四、  若有任何疑問請洽圖書館讀者服務組,分機5240

The borrowing privilege of graduating students will be terminated from June 14th.For those who have not returned all borrowed materials and paid overdue fines, please go to the library reception counter on the ground floor to complete the procedure.
If you need to extend your borrowing privilege, please make the request via email before June 12th.