
【行政服務】為支援教學與學習需求並考量公平使用原則,自即日起指定教科書室之課程指定用書限在館內閱覽使用,請查照。 To support teaching and learning needs while ensuring compliance with the principles of fair use, beginning today, all course reserve textbooks designated by faculty members will be restricted to in-library use.


一、   為尊重及保護智慧財產,並協助學生使用合法版權教科書,圖書館每學期徵集本校教師授課教科書,電子版教科書可直接利用館藏查詢系統於校園網域連線使用;實體教科書則置於一樓專室,中文教科書另購置一本依一般館藏管理。To respect and protect intellectual property rights and assist students in using legally licensed textbooks, the library collects course textbooks specified by faculty members each semester. Electronic textbooks can be accessed through the library catalog system within the campus network. Physical textbooks are stored in a dedicated room on the first floor, with an additional copy of Chinese textbooks managed under general collection rules.

二、   為支援教學與學習需求並考量公平使用原則,自即日起教師課程指定教科書限在館內閱覽使用,請查照。To support teaching and learning needs while ensuring compliance with the principles of fair use, all course reserve textbooks designated by faculty members will be restricted to in-library use effective immediately.

三、   旨揭修正業經113學年第1學期圖書諮詢委員會議通過,並經校長於11/12核准,本館完成相關因應作業後正式公布施行。This policy amendment was approved by the Library Advisory Committee meeting for the first semester of the 113th academic year. After being submitted for approval to the president on November 12, the library has completed the necessary preparations and officially announced its implementation.