合法來源的電子教科書除了可以畫重點標註之外,還可以輕鬆作筆記、全文及跨書檢索、不同載具同步化、維基百科搜尋、設置書籤、書目引用、即時翻譯及課文人聲朗讀等多重功能。Wiley出版社為鼓勵師生善用數位學習並協助教師擴大選書面向,即日起全面開放Wiley Digital Textbooks數位教科書平台兩萬餘冊電子書供本校師生試用至11月30日止,並於9月18、19日在本校圖書館設攤展示與說明;試用期間還舉辦萬本好書e指推薦及亞洲區競賽活動—Wiley Learn Quest,歡迎師生踴躍參加!
一、 資源簡介及使用方式:
(1)精選Wiley出版之教科書,包含廣為全球各校指定之上課用書及參考用書,清單請見 https://reurl.cc/Kl45ve。
2. 資源連線網址:https://reurl.cc/WNRgM7
3. 使用方式:
二、 現場展示與說明
1.日期:2024年9月18日(三)至9月19日(四) 10:00-16:00
●註冊Wiley Digital Textbooks個人帳號,即可獲得1份可口糖果。
三、 有獎徵答活動:
●說明:為協助教師擴大選書面向,補充多元教學資源,歡迎教師於試用期間至線上表單( https://reurl.cc/8X0RAb )提出您推薦之教科書,圖書館將蒐集推薦資料並進行評估。
3.學生專屬活動─Wiley Learn Quest:
※歡迎參考使用手冊( https://reurl.cc/yvYaO2 )及快速上手懶人包簡報( https://reurl.cc/g64oEN ),並踴躍使用!
聯絡人:圖書館 葉宜娟,Email: libdb@mail.cgu.edu.tw ;分機:5269
Legally sourced electronic textbooks not only allow for highlighting and annotation but also offer a range of other features such as easy note-taking, full-text and cross-book search, synchronization across different devices, Wikipedia search, bookmarking, bibliographic citation, instant translation, and text-to-speech functionality. To encourage the effective use of digital learning and assist educators in expanding their selection of books, Wiley Publishing is offering our faculty and students access to over 20,000 e-books on the Wiley Digital Textbooks platform for trial use until November 30. Additionally, there will be an on-site demonstration and explanation at our school library on September 18 and 19. During the trial period, we will also hold the “Recommend from Thousands of Great Books” activity and the Asia-wide competition event “Wiley Learn Quest.” We warmly invite all faculty and students to participate!
1.Resource overview :
●More than 23,000 titles, please refer to https://reurl.cc/Kl45ve for the list.
●Include various subjects, such as mathematics/statistics/physics/chemistry, life sciences/geology, social sciences and humanities, health/medicine, engineering/computer, business management/finance.
(2)Trial URL: https://reurl.cc/WNRgM7
(3)How to use:
●Register firstly on campus (IP) and act on the email notification.
●Effective account can be used on or off-campus.
●Each account allows 3 volumes for 7 days.
2.On-site demonstration and explanation:
(1)Activity period: September 18 to September 19, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
(2)Location: The entrance on the first floor of the library, near the Management Building.
(3)Event Details:
●Register a personal account on Wiley Digital Textbooks to receive a piece of candy.
●Borrow one Wiley Digital Textbook to receive a warm gift.
●Visit the booth with a companion to enter a lucky draw.
●While supplies last.
3.Trial and activities :
(1)Trial and Prize-winning quiz activities period : Current till 2024/11/30
(2)Faculty only - Textbook recommendation activity:
●In order to help teachers expand their textbook selection, teachers are welcome to submit your recommended textbooks to the online form( https://reurl.cc/8X0RAb ) during the trial period. The library will collect the recommended lists and evaluate them.
(3)Students only - Wiley Learn Quest:
●Event website:https://reurl.cc/qvrqk0
─Log in/create a personal account and borrow a Wiley digital textbook.
─Use personalized functions: Highlight and add a note in the borrowed book.
─Take a screenshot and submit to the event website with your learning experience.
─Fill in personal information.
●Notes: Each student can only participate once. As long as youe complete the above steps, you will have the opportunity to win multiple prizes such as mechanical keyboard, headset, wireless optical mouse, and electronic gift certificates!
※Please refer to the User Guide ( https://reurl.cc/QEeoNO ) and introduction video ( https://reurl.cc/qvrq2p ) for more information. Enjoy the tool!
For more details, please contact Reader Services librarian at Ext:5269 or Email: libdb@mail.cgu.edu.tw