

在當前競爭激烈的科學研究環境中,有效展示研究成果、強化跨國研究鏈結與擴大合作網絡顯得至關重要。有鑑於此,圖書館完成本校新版機構典藏系統建置,命名為「學術能量集萃」(Academic Capacity Ensemble,簡稱ACE) (網址:https://pure.lib.cgu.edu.tw/zh/),更生動展現本校學術研究能量,此平台於今年五月正式對校外公開,並將於2024109日與Elsevier共同舉辦平台發布會暨研討會。


一、時間:113109() 13:00-16:20





聯絡人:圖書館 葉宜娟,Emaillibdb@mail.cgu.edu.tw;分機:5269

In today’s highly competitive scientific research environment, effectively showcasing research achievements, strengthening international research connections, and expanding collaborative networks are crucial. In response to this need, the library has completed the development of our new institutional repository system, named “Academic Capacity Ensemble” (ACE) (website: https://pure.lib.cgu.edu.tw/en/). This platform vividly represents our university’s academic research prowess. It was officially launched to the public in May of this year and will host a launch event and seminar in collaboration with Elsevier on October 9, 2024.

The event will feature special guest speakers including the vice-chancellor of Research Performance and Development at Macquarie University, the associate provost (Institutional Data and Research) at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and the associate vice President for Research & Development at National Cheng Kung University. They will share their experiences on how their institutions use academic research platforms to enhance the display of research results and expand interdisciplinary and international collaboration networks. We sincerely invite you to join us in shaping the future of academia!

1. Date and Time: October 9, 2024 (Wednesday) from 1:00 PM to 4:20 PM

2. Location: Shengen Lecture Hall, College of Management

3. Organizers: Chung Gung University, Elsevier

4. Registration and Agenda Information: https://reurl.cc/NlYakp

5. Additional Information:This is an in-person event. Attending faculty members will receive 3 hours of professional development credit (hours will be awarded only with both check-in and check-out records).

For more details, please contact Reader Services librarian at Ext:5269 or Emaillibdb@mail.cgu.edu.tw