

圖書館新增Greenwood/IOS/Gale電子書共404種,可透過圖書館ipac查詢到這些圖書,本次新增圖書Novels for Students介紹

Novels for students
編輯者:Constantakis, Sara等
The information covered in each entry includes an introduction to the novel and the novel's author; a plot summary, to help readers unravel and understand the events in a novel; descriptions of important characters, including explanation of a given character's role in the novel as well as discussion about that character's relationship to other characters in the novel; analysis of important themes in the novel; and an explanation of important literary techniques and movements as they are demonstrated in the novel.

In addition to this material, which helps the readers analyze the novel itself, students are also provided with important information on the literary and historical background informing each work. This includes a historical context essay, a box comparing the time or place the novel was written to modern Western culture, a critical overview essay, and excerpts from critical essays on the novel. A unique feature of NfS is a specially commissioned overview essay on each novel by an academic expert, targeted toward the student reader.

To further aid the student in studying and enjoying each novel, information on media adaptations is provided, as well as reading suggestions for works of fiction and nonfiction on similar themes and topics. Classroom aids include ideas for research papers and lists of critical sources that provide additional material on the novel.




圖書館新增Springer電子書2900種,本次新增電子書出版年為1997-2002及2010.讀者可透過館藏IPAC查詢全文資料SFX (期刊+電子書)使用.

本次新增電子書Beginning Android 2介紹

Android is Google’s software platform answer to the iPhone and BlackBerry, and at the very least, has advantages in terms of multitasking, running apps in the background and others.
Google’s partners in the Open Handset Alliance – supporting Android -- provide the devices, with HTC G1 and G2 already available now and 18 more Google Phones set to debut later this year according to Google I/O Conference news. Among these 18 apparently will be Nokia, currently 40% of world cell phone market share.
Mark L. Murphy’s Beginning Android 2 is the first or one of the first on Android 2.0. And it should be the first tutorial or introductory book on Android 2.
Content Level » Popular/general

1.看實例學Android程式設計 / 張立國,龔海平,王植萌編著
2.Google Android應用框架原理與程式設計36技 / 高煥堂著
   3.Google Android設計招式之美 / 高煥堂著
   4.Google Android應用軟體架構設計 / 高煥堂,李立文著
   5. Unlocking Android 
   6. Google Android與物件導向技術 / 高煥堂著
   7.Pro Android(電子書)
   8.Beginning Android(電子書)
   9.Google Android 2程式設計與應用 / 楊文誌作
  10.Android essentials(電子書)
  11.Android epistemology / edited by Kenneth M. Ford, Clark Glymour & Patrick J. Hayes
  12.Google Android SDK開發範例大全 / 佘志龍等著(醫院)
  13.Google Android程式設計與應用 / 楊文誌作(醫院)

1000 solved problems in modern physics

This book basically caters to the needs of undergraduates and graduates physics students in the area of modern physics, specially particle and nuclear physics. Lecturers/tutors may use it as a resource book. The contents of the book are based on the syllabi currently used in the undergraduate courses in USA, U.K., and other countries. The book is divided into 10 chapters, each chapter beginning with a brief but adequate summary and necessary formulas, tables and line diagrams followed by a variety of typical problems useful for assignments and exams. Detailed solutions are provided at the end of each chapter.
Content Level » Professional/practitioner


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本次增加電子書Handbook of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Basics介紹
編輯者:Garrison, Susan J.
內容:provides comprehensive information for common diagnoses. Chapters are organized by definition, anatomy, epidemiology, assessment, treatment, complications, prognosis, and outcome.
Doody's journal評論:This handbook is a useful and much-needed addition to the library of physical medicine and rehabilitation texts.(引自Amazon)





由於全球化、交通便利與經濟因素影響下產生了大量區域間、國際間與洲際間的移民,形成了多民族混居的地球村。地球村存在著許多「差異」, 這些差異造成了「不同的文化缺乏寬容」、「不能容納與自己不同的行為方式」…等,使得我們必須考慮「在地化」議題。

當我們思考到「在地化」又必須談到「容忍」。「容忍」不是簡單指容忍他人行為,而是指承認他人的權利與自由,包容各國的理想與文化,不僅 對自己負責,也要對他人負責;承認與重視別人存在的價值,願意與別人在一個社會中共同生活,並接受別人享有自由發表意見的能力與機會等尊 重與欣賞世界多元豐富文化的表現。這種素養是維持文明社會運作與營造和平環境重要的基礎,唯有發揮包容的精神、承認與接受不同的生活方式 與價值觀,才有辦法促進社會的包容與和諧,化解人與人之間的衝突與對立。聯合國秘書長安南曾在「國際容忍日」倡導:用關心取代冷漠與輕 視,用了解取代盲目、無知和歧視。
種族間的容忍與和平相處,已見諸許多的文獻、獲得較高的重視 (雖然至今仍未能達到裡想境界)。本次的特展中,希望能將重點置於生活中即能有機會接觸,但卻未能獲得足夠重視的兩種弱勢族群 --「罕見疾病病友」及「身心障礙者」。展覽將列出認識此二族群的基本資料書單,加入代表性人物傳記、以個人化的故事讓我們更瞭解他們,不只是「容忍」, 而是正確地相處,適當地提供關懷與友善的生活空間。




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英國著名雜誌《Nature》是世界上最早的國際性科技期刊,為讓各使用者更熟悉並利用此一豐富資源,特別舉辦有獎徵答活動,有機會可獲得SONY WX1數位相機喔!歡迎您一同參與!



1.Learning PHP data objects: a beginner's guide to PHP data objects, database connection abstraction library for PHP 5

2.PHP Oracle web development

3.Creating your MySQL database: practical design tips and techniques

4.Mastering phpMyAdmin 2.11 for effective MySQL management {From technologies to solutions}

5.Building SOA-based composite applications using NetBeans IDE 6: design, build, test, and debug service-oriented applications with ease using XML, BPEL, and Java web services

6.Linux thin client networks design and deployment: a quick guide for system administrators

7.Elgg social networking: create and manage your own social network site using this free open-source tool {From technologies to solutions}

8.Microsoft Ajax Library essentials: client-side ASP.NET Ajax 1.0 explained {From technologies to solutions}

9.ASP.NET data presentation controls essentials: master the standard ASP.NET server controls for displaying and managing data

10.Xml, managing data exchange

11.Pc architecture: a complete course

12.Java programming {1. ed.}

13.C++ programing [i.e. programming]

14.Web of conspiracy: a guide to conspiracy theory sites on the Internet

15.Designing the digital experience: how to use experience design tools and techniques to build Websites customers love

16.LINQ quickly: a practical guide to programming language integrated query in C#

17.Service oriented Java business integration: enterprise service bus integration solutions for Java developers {From technologies to solutions}




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於開學之際圖書館展開一連串緊鑼密鼓的新生導覽,開啟與新生的第一次親密接觸。相信對於圖書館的各式資源及服務,應有進一步的瞭解!為鼓勵新生落實導覽所學之技能,特別於課後進行線上有獎徵答活動,不但能測試自己瞭解程度,還有機會獲得現金新台幣 800元 600元不等,名額有限要搶要快喔!
  • 活動日期:11月1日(一)起至11月6日(六) 止 。
  • 參加資格:限99學年第一學期參加圖書館新生導覽之研一新生。
  • 活動方式:只要你線上進行答題,最快回覆並且答對者,即有機會獲獎。
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