
【系統服務】7/24(日)配合學校高低壓電力設備及變壓器定期維修保養,校區電源停止供應期間,圖書館各項系統服務將暫時中斷!2022/7/24, due to the Electric Equipment Maintenance by the Office of General Affairs, the services of the library will be unavailable.

 一、  因應學校高低壓電力設備及變壓器定期維修保養,各變電站設備絕緣耐壓測試,校區電源停止供應。停電施工期間,圖書館各項系統服務將暫時中斷。

二、  影響時間:111724() 9時至17時止。

三、  將於正常供電後,盡速恢復各項系統服務。



Due to the Electric Equipment Maintenance by the Office of General Affairs on 7/24, the electric power will be temporarily shut off, and all services of the library will be suspended during the period of maintenance.


Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


Readers Services Division, CGU library