
【系統服務】11/28(六)為進行網路維修作業,期間圖書館各項服務因網路問題將暫時中斷。2020/11/28, due to the information security equipment system upgrade by the Computer Center, the website services of the library will be unavailable.

 一、  教育部網路交換器韌體升版作業,須多次系統重啟動作,將造成網路連線中斷,作業影響時間約4小時,期間圖書館各項服務因網路問題將暫時中斷。

二、  影響時間:1091128(星期六),自上午400分起至上午800分止。

三、  將於學校完工後,儘速恢復各項系統服務。



Due to the Information Security Equipment maintenance by the Computer Center on 11/28, the external network connection will be temporarily shut off, and all website services of the library will be suspended during the period of maintenance.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Readers Services Division, CGU library